We define a "Procedural AI training game" as an AI training game in which parts of the game are made with procedural generation.
In more advanced cases, the generation itself can be done with AI. This is a possible Path to AGI which reduces the need for human intervention in meticulously crafting the AI game: AI training AI.
Video 1.
Nvidia's little fighter charater (2023)
. Source.
  • From Motor Control to Team Play in Simulated Humanoid Football
Video 1.
From Motor Control to Team Play in Simulated Humanoid Football by Ali Eslami (2023)
. Source. Likely a reupload by DeepMind employee: www.linkedin.com/in/smalieslami.
Video 2.
DeepMind’s AI Trained For 5 Years by Two Minute Papers (2023)
. Source. The 5 years bullshit is of course in-game time clickbait, they simulate 1000x faster than realtime.