One of the key features of ourbigbook is that everything in the tree is unscoped by default. E.g. the "Overview" article actually goes under and not as you likely wanted.
The reason for that is that this is the best way to make topics work: and topics is basically the only feature that justifies the project.
There are two solutions to model your knowledge:
1) (recommended in this case: make a longer more specific title "Overview of Hydrogen Sulfide" or "Hydrogen sulfied overview"
2) Use scopes. Locally the tree would look like this:
= Hydrogen sulfide

== Overview

== Production

=== Laboratory

=== Industrial
which would produce a tree structure as:
I should also note that I'm not sure if scopes are working perfectly via web UI, though if they are not I want them to.
One big reason I don't recommend scopes in this case is that there is currently no way to unscope things. What if later on you want to add a child of "Hydrogen sulfide" but you don't want for its url to be /hydrogen-sulfide/something? It's not currently possible. Though I would like to support it one day.
I would also just remove the Overview section and just dump its contents on "Hydrogen sulfide" itself, since the content of an article is basically always its own overview.
I would recommed using scopes only very sparsely when you go into extremelly specific tutorials about something, which are very unlikely to have topic hits by others, e.g. though even then I end up regretting it.
Anyways we'll see, maybe at some point people will prever to use just scopes and we'll go there more.

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