Source: /cirosantilli/_file/webpack/template

= webpack/template

\a[webpack/template] contains a reasonable starter template.

cd webpack/template
npm install
npm run build

This will produce, under `dist/` the following minimized files:
* `dist/index.html`: from \a[webpack/template/index.html]. You can open it to see:
  Hello webpack
  show on the browser. This was added from <JavaScript>.
* `dist/index.js`: from \a[webpack/template/index.js] and anything in its import tree, e.g.:
  * \a[webpack/template/main.scss]: <sass (stylesheet language)> source. It gets embedded the the <JavaScript> output as a string, and the JavaScript then applies it to the page, making the font blue
  * `lodash` third party library

You can also run this test with the development server on http://localhost:9000[]:
npm start
which uses unminimized outptus, and automatically push reloads the page whenever you change any of the input files!