= Android
{disambiguate=operating system}
= Android
* the best full featured free OS we have today, since POSIX gave up short of any UI specification, and Chrome OS is not there yet
* usable and likely efficient <Java> <API> for apps if https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_v._Oracle_America[Oracle doesn't manage to destroy it with its lawsuit]
However, many, many, many terrible horrors come with it:
* it hasn't made the move to desktop for too many years. It could destroy <Microsoft Windows> and replace it with open source, but they just won't budge towards an unified mobile/desktop setup.
* vendors litter it with uninstallable bloatware that should be <illegal>. <European Union> to the rescue!!! https://www.cnbc.com/2020/12/15/digital-markets-act-eus-new-rules-on-big-tech.html
* vendors lock down devices so it is very hard to get sudo, let alone to modify their images!
* there isn't enough hardware standardization for open source distros to thrive like on desktop
* code drops mean that "master" is useless and trying to contribute from outside vendors' closed walls is a waste of time: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1809774/how-to-compile-the-android-aosp-kernel-and-test-it-with-the-android-emulator/48310014#48310014
* if you ever go below the Java API, e.g. to <C++> or AOSP build, everything is horrendous and https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/122787/how-to-compile-extra-files-into-the-root-directory-of-an-android-rom[undocumented]
* <Google> doesn't care about the CLI, even the <hello world> requires creating infinite out-of-control boilerplate from a <GUI>: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20801042/how-to-create-android-project-with-gradle-from-command-line/46994747#46994747
* the boot is uber bloated and takes forever in cycle simulators
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