= Apolline Verdiell
= Apolline T Verdiell
Younger daughter of <Marc Verdiell>. The justification for this claim can be found at <Marc Verdiell's children>{full}.
She did <graduate school> in <cell (biology)> at the <University of Chicago>, somewhat in the same vein as her mother. She also lists poverty alleviation volunteering activities in her page. She must be cool, and secretly Marc's favorite daughter given that we went into <STEM>.
It is midly curious that she went to the same university as her elder sister <Apolline Verdiell>[Apolline], was it because of her sister, or do they have other links to <Chicago> somehow?
Likely <LinkedIn> profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/appleverdiell/ using her likely <pseudonym> "<Apple Verdiell>".
{title=<Apolline Verdiell>'s <LinkedIn> profile picture.}
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