Source: /cirosantilli/archaea-are-more-cosely-related-to-the-eukaryotes-than-bacteria

= Archaea are more cosely related to the eukaryotes than bacteria

<Archaea> are much more closely related to the <eukaryotes> than <bacteria>, see e.g. <image Coral of life by János Podani (2019)> which shows how <archaea> diverged from eukarya almost 2 By after <LUCA>!

It therefore appears that the \x[mitochondrial endosymbiosis]{magic} happened when a <bacteria> like cell joined up with an <archaea>.

Some notable points in which <archaea> look more like <eukaryotes> than <bacteria>:
* although they don't have a <cell nucleus>, they do have <histones>! Mentioned at:
  * <Power, Sex, Suicide by Nick Lane (2006)>