Source: /cirosantilli/bookdown

= Bookdown
{tag=R (programming language)}

Written in <R (programming language)>, but also relies on <pandoc>, so quite bad dependency wise.

Cross files references to IDs: yes. But no check by default for duplicates when doing automatic ID from title. Just automatically disambiguates with `-1`, `-2` suffixes, and links take the last one available.

Source page splitting: splits at h2 by default. If configurable, likely always af fixed level?

Has some nice image generation from inline code from standard R plotting functions.

<Hello world> documented at:

<Hello world> on <Ubuntu 23.04> after installing <R (programming language)>:
sudo R -e 'install.packages("bookdown")'
git clone
cd bookdown-demo
Rscript -e 'bookdown::render_book("index.Rmd")'
xdg-open _book/index.html
The build CLI comes from:

The installatoin `Rscript -e 'bookdown::render_book("index.Rmd")'` takes several minutes, it compiles a bunch of stuff from source apparently. but it did work.