Source: /cirosantilli/chicago-pile-1

= Chicago Pile-1

= Chicago Pile

The first human-made <nuclear chain reaction>.

{title=Getting funding for the <Chicago Pile> <Edward Teller> interview by <Web of Stories> (1996)}
* the main cost for the reactor was the <graphite>. Presumably they already had the <uranium> in hand?. Edit, no, it is because it was a specialized graphite: <video German graphite from The Genius Behind the Bomb (1992)>, i.e. <nuclear graphite>.

{title=<German> <graphite> from The Genius Behind the Bomb (1992)}
{description=Graphite was expensive because it had to be <boron>-free, since <boron> absorbs <neutrons>. But a <boron> process was the main way to make <graphite>. This type of pure graphite is known as <nuclear graphite>.}