Source: /cirosantilli/children-cartoons-ciro-santilli-liked-to-watch

= Children cartoons Ciro Santilli liked to watch

These did not stand the test of time however.

When Ciro was ten years old, he was addicted to 2 cartoons: <Pokemon> and <Dragon Ball Z>!

Pokemon had just launched in Brazil in 1999, 2 years after the Japanese launch: ([archive]) And Dragon Ball, was first aired in 1989 in Japan! My God, those translations took forever back then!

And \i[everyone] was playing Pokemon on their[Game Boy Color]. Ciro was <Ciro Santilli's psychology and physiology>[already cheap] however, and didn't buy the console despite wanting it, and just played it through his friends handhelds. But maybe this is a good thing. Playing alone sucks.