Source: /cirosantilli/cia-2010-covert-communication-websites/2013-dns-census-secureserver-net-mx-records-intersection-2013-dns-census-virtual-host-cleanup

= 2013 DNS census MX records intersection 2013 DNS Census virtual host cleanup

We intersect <2013 DNS Census virtual host cleanup> with <2013 DNS census MX records> and that leaves 460k hits. We did lose a third on the the MX records as of 260 hits since is only used in 1/3 of sites, but we also concentrate 9x, so it may be worth it.

Then we <Wayback Machine CDX scanning>. it takes about 5 days, but it is manageale.

We did a full <Wayback Machine CDX scanning> for JAR, SWF and cgi-bin in those, but only found a single new hit:
* Just barely missed with our <2013 DNS Census virtual host cleanup heuristic keyword searches> as we did think of both "global" and "headlines" in the "news" themes!