Source: /cirosantilli/cia-2010-covert-communication-websites/club-domain-cn


TODO what does this Chinese forum track? New registrations? Their focus seems to be <domain name speculation>

Some of the threads contain domain dumps. We haven't yet seen a scrapable URL pattern, but their data goes way back and did have various hits. The forum seems to have started in 2006: "【国际域名拟删除列表】2007年06月16日" is the earliest list we could find. It is an expired domain list.

Some hits:
* contains `` The thread title is "2009.5.04". The post date 2009-04-30  

  Breadcrumb nav: 域名论坛 > 域名增值交易区 > 国际域名专栏 (domain name forum > area for domain names increasing in value > international domais)