Source: /cirosantilli/cia-2010-covert-communication-websites/dns-census-2013

= DNS Census 2013

= 2013 DNS Census

Main article: </DNS Census 2013>.

This data source was very valuable, and led to many hits, and to finding the first non Reuters ranges with <secure subdomain search on 2013 DNS Census>{full}.

Hit overlap:
jq -r '.[].host' ../media/cia-2010-covert-communication-websites/hits.json ) | xargs -I{} sqlite3 aiddcu.sqlite "select * from t where d = '{}'"
Domain hit count when we were at 279 hits: 142 hits, so about half of the hits were present.

The timing of the database is perfect for this project, it is as if the CIA had planted it themselves!