Source: /cirosantilli/cia-2010-covert-communication-websites/mass-deface-iii-pastebin

= "Mass Deface III" pastebin dated mega early on Sep 30th, 2012 by CYBERTAZIEX.

This source was <found by Oleg Shakirov>.

Holy fuck the type of data source that we get in this area of work!

This pastebin contained a few new hits, in addition to some pre-existing ones. Most of the hits them seem to be linked to the IP, which presumably is a major part of the fingerprint found by CYBERTAZIEX, though unsurprisingly methodology is unclear. As documented, the domains appear to be linked to a "Condor hosting" provider, but it is hard to find any information about it online.

<Ciro Santilli> checked every single non-subdomain domain in the list.

Other files under the same account: did not seem of interest.

The author's real name appears to be Deni Suwandi: from #Indonesia, but all accounts appear to be inactive, otherwise we'd ping him to ask for more info about the list.