Source: /cirosantilli/cia-2010-covert-communication-websites/oleg-shakirov-s-findings

= Oleg Shakirov's findings
{title2=Communicated January 15, 2024}

= Oleg Shakirov

= Found by Oleg Shakirov

Starting at[], <Russian> expat[Oleg Shakirov] comments "Let me know if you are still looking for the Carson website".

He then proceeded to <Searching for Carson>[give Carson] and 5 other domains in private communication. His name is given here with his consent. His advances besides not being blind were <Yandexing> for some of the known hits which led to pages that contained other hits:
* contains a copy of, and both are present at[], an SEO tracker, because both have backlinks to ``, which is apparently a niche fantasy football website
* 4 previously unknown hits from: <"Mass Deface III" pastebin>. He missed one which Ciro then found after inspecting all URLs on <Wayback Machine>, so leading to a total of 5 new hits from that source.

Unfortunately, these methods are not very generalizable, and didn't lead to a large number of other hits. But every domain counts!