= securitytrails.com
They appear to piece together data from various sources. This is the most complete historical domain -> IP database we have so far. They don't have hugely more data than <viewdns.info>, but many times do offer something new. It feels like the key difference is that their data goes further back in the critical time period a bit.
TODO do they have historical reverse IP? The fact that they don't seem to have it suggests that they are just making historical reverse IP requests to a third party via some API?
E.g. searching `thefilmcentre.com` under historical data at https://securitytrails.com/domain/thefilmcentre.com/history/al gives the correct IP
But searching the IP is empty and there's no historical data option?
Account creation blacklists common email providers such as gmail to force users to use a "corporate" email address. But using random domains like `ciro@cirosantilli.com` works fine.
Their data seems to date back to 2008 for our searches.
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