Source: /cirosantilli/ciro-santilli-s-hardware/dhb-dorica-mtb-shoe-2020-12

= dhb Dorica MTB Shoe (2020-12)

Black EUR 44, 1 smaller than <Ciro Santilli's body>[normal size] as recommended by website.

Bought SM-SH56 cleat to accompany.

When it arrived, it felt a bit too long, around 2cm maybe free space after toe, and when I walk and the front part touches ground, heel comes off a bit, which is annoying. But I was too lazy to give it back and take the risk of a second try, also it felt correctly tight on sides. During first test ride it felt good.

It is slightly water proof. But if it rains a lot, it will get soaking wet. And once it does get wet, it feels like it is very very hard to dry, there don't seem to be any holes underneath.