Source: /cirosantilli/ciro-santilli-s-minor-projects

= Ciro Santilli's minor projects

Major projects can be seen at: <the most important projects done by Ciro Santilli>{full}.

These are some smaller projects that <Ciro Santilli> carried out. They are all either for fun, or misguided use of his time done by an younger self:
* small naughty stuff is listed at: <Ciro Santilli's naughty projects>{full}
* Because Ciro <>[cares about education], around 2014 he looked into markup languages and version control for books, before he noticed that this approach was useless and that ranking algorithms are all that matter:
  * <GitLab>: very important to Ciro because he wanted to base[Booktree] on it.

    He was[the number 2 contributor from 2013 to 2015].

    He implemented some large features and several smaller improvements.

    For this reason, Ciro was made a moderator of[/r/gitlab] in[2016-05].

    GitLab sent Ciro a free swag bottle later after they got funding on to thank him for his contributions: <image Ciro Santilli in a dune lake in Jericoacoara, Brazil, with his GitLab bottle>{full}. He had to pay for the beach trip though.

    {title=<Ciro Santilli> in a dune lake in Jericoacoara, Brazil, with his <GitLab> bottle}
  * \a[markdown-style-guide][Markdown Style Guide]{external}
  * <karlcow markdown-testsuite> improvements: Ciro has implemented the test runner a few months before CommonMark left stealth mode and killed it instantaneously.

    At least MacFarlane was able to\#L8[reuse] part of the <HTML> normalizer[he wrote], and he extracted the multi-engine comparison to:[CommonMark Implementation Compare].

    Playing with this project has led Ciro to find and report many Markdown bugs/bad behavior on other software, e.g.[GitHub] and[MultiMarkdown-4].
  *[isaacs/github public unofficial GitHub issue tracker]: he has commented there so often that he\#issuecomment-123851480[was made a collaborator]
  * <Node Express Sequelize Next.js realworld example app>
*[VCDVCD]: <value change dump> <command-line> pretty printer!!! The type of thing that a billion dollar <EDA tool> vendor will never implement ;-)
  0 time
  1 counter_tb.clock
  2 counter_tb.enable
  3 counter_tb.out[1:0]
  4 counter_tb.reset

  0 1 2 3 4 5
  0 1 0 x 0 x
  1 0 0 x 1 x
  2 1 0 0 1 0
  3 0 0 0 0 0
  4 1 0 0 0 0
  5 0 1 0 0 0
* <Vim>: sometimes Ciro want crazy and wasted his time with Vimscript:
  *[Vim Markdown]: the owner `plasticboy` was really nice and made Ciro a collaborator for his contributions, notably a live ToC outline and the header mappings
  *[Vundle Plugin Tester], which he used to start the testing system of Vim Markdown
*[Breakthrough Message]: <aliens>!!! Creative/media project, powered by some <Python> scripts.
* making <Google Maps> reviews of places he's visited to help other people. Ciro's photos reached 1 million views in 2019: ([archive])