Source: /cirosantilli/ciro-santilli-s-undergrad-studies-at-the-university-of-sao-paulo

= Ciro Santilli's undergrad studies at the University of São Paulo

Ciro's official diploma from the <University of São Paulo> read "Automation and Control Engineer at the <Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo>".

The University of São Paulo had been elected the best South American university[in the Times Ranking 2013] (!/page/2/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/undefined[archive]) in all subjects.

Ciro finished the course with honors of "The Best Student in Automation and Control of the year 2013".

Ciro didn´t learn basically any control engineering however unfortunately. He did only the 3 base years of the electrical engineering course, and the rest got lost on stupid politics of having to go back to do 6 months from France to validate his Brazilian degree, see also: <What poor countries have to do to get richer/exchange students>{full}.