Source: /cirosantilli/closed-access-academic-journals-are-evil

= Closed access academic journals are evil

Fuck <closed access academic journals are evils>.

You are nothing but useless leeches in the <Internet> age.

You must go bankrupt all of you, ASAP.

Fuck <Elsevier>, fuck <Springer>, and fuck all the like.

Research paid with taxpayer money must be made available for free.

Researchers and reviewers all work for peanuts, while academic publishers get money for doing the work that an algorithm could do. <>.

When Ciro learned URLs such as log you in automatically by <IP>, his <mind blew>! The level of institutionalization of this theft is off the charts! The institutionalization of theft is also clear from article prices, e.g. 32 dollars for a 5 page article.

Long live the <Guerilla Open Access Manifesto by Aaron Swartz (2008)>.

Key <physics> papers from the 50's are still <copyright> encumbered as of 2020, see e.g. <Lamb-Retherford experiment>. Authors and reviewers got nothing for it. Something is wrong.

Infinite list of other people:
* by Robert Važan:
  \Q[Scientific journals are perhaps one of the most damaging IP rackets. Scientists are funded by governments to do research and publish papers. Reviews of these papers are done by other publicly funded scientists. Even paper selection and formatting for publication is done by scientists. So what do journals actually do? Nearly nothing.]

{title=Academic Publishing by Dr. Glaucomflecken (2022)}