= Closing questions as off-topic
There's no point.
The question remains there, but people lose the ability to help the asker.
Reputation is meaningless regardless, since <JavaScript> gurus will always have 1000x more readers than low level junkies.
The deeper problem: the existence of multiple separate websites instead of just using the tags on a single website.
* https://github.com/cirosantilli/cirosantilli.github.io/labels/stack-exchange we'll always have GitHub issues I guess
* https://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/149933/why-does-the-archive-org-of-most-youtube-videos-fail-with-sorry-the-wayback-mac
* https://webapps.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/4502/why-were-not-customer-support-for-your-favorite-company#comment5091_4503
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