Source: /cirosantilli/computer-programming

= Computer programming

= Programming

Programming is hard. To <Ciro Santilli>, it's almost masochistic.

What makes Ciro especially mad when programming is not the hard things.

It is the things that should be easy, but aren't, and which take up a lot of your programming time.

Especially when you are already a few levels of "simple problems" down from your original goal, and another one of them shows up.

This is basically the cause of <Hofstadter's law>.

But of course, it is because it is hard that it feels amazing when you achieve your goal.

Putting a complex and useful program together is like composing a symphony, or reaching the summit of a hard <rock climbing> proble.

Programming can be an <art> form. There can be great beauty in code and what it does. It is a shame that this is hard to see from within the walls of most <companies>, where you are stuck doing a small specific task as fast as possible.