Source: /cirosantilli/computer-science

= Computer science

A branch of <mathematics> that attempts to prove stuff about <computers>.

Unfortunately, all <software engineers> already know the answer to the useful theorems though (except perhaps notably for <cryptography>), e.g. all programmers obviously know that iehter <p versus NP problem>[P != NP] or that this is <independence (mathematical logic)>[unprovable or some other "for all practical purposes practice P != NP"], even though they don't have proof.

And 99% of their time, software engineers are not dealing with mathematically formulatable problems anyways, which is sad.

The only useful "computer science" subset every programmer ever needs to know is:
* for arrays: <dynamic array> vs <linked list>
* for <associative array>: <binary search tree> vs <hash table>. See also\#29548834[Heap vs Binary Search Tree (BST)]. No need to understand the algorithmic details of the hash function, the <NSA> has already done that for you.
* don't use[Bubble sort] for sorting
* you can't parse HTML with regular expressions:\#1732454[] because of <formal language theory>

Funnily, due to the <formalization of mathematics>, <mathematics> can be seen as a branch of computer science, just like computer science can be seen as a branch of Mathematics!