Source: /cirosantilli/cool-data-embedded-in-the-bitcoin-blockchain/ascii-porn

= ASCII porn
{tag=ASCII art}
{title2=March 2014}

All found so far are also reproduced at:[] therefore not blockchain original.

Some of the very first <ASCII art> present in the blockchain besides <BitLen> is porn. Surprising?

* tx 9206ec2a41846709a59cafb406dd7b07082bfc27664bbc5c6d4df310c1e1b91f ([2014-03-16]) via <>: <sexually aroused> naked <woman> sitting looking forward with legs open showing her <vagina>. Vagina row as an identifier for Ctrl + F:
  .     `.    .\x./-`--...../'   ;   :
  A bit bellow\#L28[tx 8367a48e4a863e37b3749bc9c111327b07a7c383ec9b3e7ce8d41949e71e1c10] has a large hand showing the middle finger and wearing a watch:
          |   |
          |   |
          |   |
       /'\|   |/'\..
   /~\|   |   |   | \
  [   |   |   |  |   \
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  |                   /
   \                 /
    \               /
     \             /
      | (( +==)) |
  Reproduced e.g. at:
* tx 0aab36554c2ac5ec23747e7f21f75dbe3f16739134cf44953ad7ac98927146d6 ([2014-09-28]) via <>: naked <woman> laying on her side showing her <vagina> from under her legs, signed `fsc`. TODO full author name?