= ASCII porn
{tag=ASCII art}
{title2=March 2014}
All found so far are also reproduced at: https://asciiart.website/index.php?art=people/naked%20ladies[] therefore not blockchain original.
Some of the very first <ASCII art> present in the blockchain besides <BitLen> is porn. Surprising?
* https://www.blockchain.com/explorer/transactions/btc/9206ec2a41846709a59cafb406dd7b07082bfc27664bbc5c6d4df310c1e1b91f[tx 9206ec2a41846709a59cafb406dd7b07082bfc27664bbc5c6d4df310c1e1b91f] block 290848 (2014-03-16) via <cryptograffiti.info>: <sexually aroused> naked <woman> sitting looking forward with legs open showing her <vagina>. Vagina row as an identifier for Ctrl + F:
. `. .\x./-`--...../' ; :
A bit bellow https://github.com/cirosantilli/bitcoin-inscription-indexer/blob/master/data/out/0291.txt#L28[tx 8367a48e4a863e37b3749bc9c111327b07a7c383ec9b3e7ce8d41949e71e1c10] has a large hand showing the middle finger and wearing a watch:
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Reproduced e.g. at: https://www.textartcopy.com/ascii-middle-finger.html
* https://www.blockchain.com/explorer/transactions/btc/0aab36554c2ac5ec23747e7f21f75dbe3f16739134cf44953ad7ac98927146d6[tx 0aab36554c2ac5ec23747e7f21f75dbe3f16739134cf44953ad7ac98927146d6] block 322920 (2014-09-28) via <cryptograffiti.info>: naked <woman> laying on her side showing her <vagina> from under her legs, signed `fsc`. Vagina row:
`-:/"-7.--"" _::.-'P::.. \}
Fully reproduced e.g. at https://www.asciiart.eu/people/sexual/women which credits the art to a "Marcin Glinski" (Polish: Marcin Gliński), possibly this dude https://github.com/silentlamb/ASCII-Arts | https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcinglinski)
> You may use any of them for any purpose, as long as my signature (fsc) stay untouched.
The signature is also listed at https://www.asciiart.eu/ascii-artists/who-is-who for example.
* https://www.blockchain.com/explorer/transactions/btc/66826fccef3e3ebb34abce25bfeff8f9dcaaf88e4707a5576c494d8a1cf1681a[tx 66826fccef3e3ebb34abce25bfeff8f9dcaaf88e4707a5576c494d8a1cf1681a] block 388714 (2015-12-16) has a one liner <penis> and <breasts>:
jEW B====D ( . Y . )
soon followed by more breasts at https://www.blockchain.com/explorer/transactions/btc/37c1e90c6ce3e648c51bfa38cbb43e996cd46e038517596d4c90ca2a6425a701[37c1e90c6ce3e648c51bfa38cbb43e996cd46e038517596d4c90ca2a6425a701]:
jEW ( . Y . )TIDDIES( . Y . )
Found by <Messages from the mines>.
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