Source: cirosantilli/cool-data-embedded-in-the-bitcoin-blockchain/bibliography

= Bibliography

Other Bitcon analysis:
* "Annotated blockchain project"
  * image list (February 8, 2017) We tried going over it, but it is just too much work, the huge majority of the results are just <AtomSea & EMBII> so not that interesting.
  Does the same as this page, just that it is an uncomprehensible mess of broken links. But they have soe good ideas!

  Their main techniques seem to be:
  mkdir binout
  for file in blk*dat; do echo "$file"; binwalk --dd='.*' "$file" -C binout/. --log=binout/"$file""res.txt"; done
  mkdir subfileout
  for file in blk*dat; do mkdir subfileout/"$file"; done
  for file in blk*dat; do echo "$file"; hachoir-subfile --category=image,video,audio,container,archive,misc "$file" subfileout/"$file" > subfileout/"$file""subfile.txt"; done
  which seem promising.

  These are installable on Ubuntu 23.10 with:
  sudo apt install binwalk hachoir

  TODO how to they automatically map back to transaction IDs? There is a line "Script to add the TX ID to each file." Our attempts: <Get transaction id from position in dat file>{full}