Source: /cirosantilli/deepmind-lab

= DeepMind Lab
{tag=GPL software}
{tag=3D game}
{tag=Game AI research} has some good games with video demos on <YouTube>, though for some weird reason they are unlistd.

TODO get one of the games running. Instructions:[]. This may help[]: "Complete installation script for Ubuntu 20.04".

It is interesting how much overlap some of those have with <Ciro's 2D reinforcement learning games>

The games are <3D>, but most of them are purely flat, and the 3D is just a waste of resources.

{title=Human player test of DMLab-30 Collect Good Objects task by <DeepMind> (2018)}

{title=Human player test of DMLab-30 Exploit Deferred Effects task by <DeepMind> (2018)}

{title=Human player test of DMLab-30 Select Described Object task by <DeepMind> (2018)}
{description=Some of their games involve language instructions from the use to determine the desired task, cool concept.}

{title=Human player test of DMLab-30 Fixed Large Map task by <DeepMind> (2018)}
{description=They also have some maps with more natural environments.}