Source: /cirosantilli/dietterich-labs

= Dietterich Labs

= Samuel Dietterich

Covers some specific hardcore subjects, notably <quantum electrodynamics>, in full <mathematical> detail, e.g.: "Quantum Field Theory Lecture Series" playlist:

As of 2020 Dietterich was a <condensed matter> <PhD> candidate or post-doc at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, and he lives in <Minnesota>, sources:

Unfortunately the channel is too obsessed with mathematical detail (which it does amazingly), and does not give enough examples/application/intuition, which is what would be useful to most people, thus falling too much on the hardcore side of <the missing link between basic and advanced>.

This channel does have on merit however: compared to other university courses, it is much more direct, which might mean that you get to something interesting before you got bored to death, <you can learn more from older students than from faculty>{full} comes to mind.

Videos generally involves short talks + a detailed read-through of a pre-prepared <PDF>. Dietterich has refused however giving the PDF or <LaTeX> source as of 2020 on comments unfortunately... what a <open educational resources>[wasted opportunity] for society. TODO find the comment. Sam, if you ever Google yourself to this page, let's make a collab on <> and fucking change education forever man.

Full name as shown in channel content: Samuel Dietterich. Other accounts:

{title=The Ultimate Goal Of My YouTube Channel by <Dietterich Labs> (2020)}
{description=In this video Dietterich gives his <ideal> for the channel. Notably, he describes how the few experimental videos he has managed to make were done in a opportunistic way from experiments that were happening around him. This resonated with <Ciro Santilli>'s ideas from <videos of all key physics experiments>.}

{title=Sam Dietterich interview by Dietterich Labs (2022)}
{description=TODO find patience to watch and summarize key points.}