Source: cirosantilli/education-as-a-system-of-indoctrination

= Education as a system of indoctrination

Whenever <Ciro Santilli> walks in front of a school and sees the tall gates it makes him sad. Maybe 8 year olds need gates. But do we need to protect 15 year olds like that? Students should be going out to see the world, both good and evil not hiding from it! We should instead be guiding them \i[to] the world. But instead, we are locking them up in <brainwashing> centers.

<video The Purpose of Education by Noam Chomsky (2012)> puts it well, education can be either be:
* a <brainwashing> to make people comply with The Establishment
* a way to get people genuinely interested and <how to teach/help students achieve their goal>[help them to reach their life goals]
He has spoken about that infinitely, e.g. from when he was thin:

* How Education Became Indoctrination: Dr Stephen Hicks (2021) Interview by Interesting channel. "Are you sick of woke-washing in education? Free speech distinguishes education from indoctrination" and "I taught at <Eton College> before I was fired because 'The Patriarchy Paradox' caused offence.".