Source: cirosantilli/egroups

= eGroups

Company co-founded by <Scott Hassan>, early <Google> programmer at <Stanford University>, and <Carl Victor Page, Jr.>, <Larry Page>'s older brother.

They were an email list management website, and became <Yahoo! Groups> after the acquisition.

The company was sold to <Yahoo!> in August 2000 for \$432m and became <Yahoo! Groups>. They managed to miraculously dodge the <Dot-com bubble>, which mostly poppet in 2021. After the acquisition, Yahoo started to redirect them to: as can be seen on the <Wayback Machine>:*/ The first archive of is from February 2001: and it unsurprisingly looks basically exactly like eGroups.

{title=<eGroups> logo}
{description=From the earliest archive of their "about" page:[] in 1999.}