One of the dudes from the <Cool data embedded in the Bitcoin blockchain/AtomSea & EMBII> <Bitcoin>-based file upload system.
* https://github.com/embiimob
* Real name: likely "Eric Bobby" according to:
* <LinkedIn>: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eric-bobby-0ab1b935/
* http://bitfossil.org/affbac1bfde690c1fabd60812d046c911b2882038a42b18a4d2e7cb50e989604/
According to <Cool data embedded in the Bitcoin blockchain/image Loraine.jpg> however, his mother's name was "Loraine Elizabeth White", so there's some chance his real family name is Mr. White.
However according to http://bitfossil.org/937f70bf641ccabaf623772367df64bd867ad44c53fd227d01f2662e74aeacbf/ his daughter is Maddy Bobby, so maybe he is actually Bobby.
* https://twitter.com/EMBII4U
* https://twitter.com/TheAtomSea/status/990318090738196481 sample link
* https://x.com/EMBII4U/status/1901769408453718146 possibly retired in 2021 after working as a barista
{title=<EMBII>'s usual profile image}
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