Source: /cirosantilli/emile-or-on-education

= Emile, or On Education

= Émile, ou De l’éducation

<Plaintext file> of An <English (language)> translation by[Barbara Foxley] from 1911 on <Project Gutenberg>:[] which is in the <Public domain in the United States>.

Can't find a French <txt>,Émile,_ou_De_l’éducation/Édition_1782[] has a <PDF> though.

{title=Front cover of the first edition of <Emile, or On Education>.}

Good summary on the defunct <Encyclopedia Britannica>:
\Q[it is not specifically about schooling but about the upbringing of a rich man’s son, Émile, by a tutor who is given unlimited authority over him. Rousseau’s aim throughout Émile is to show how a natural education, unlike the artificial and formal education of society, enables Émile to become social, moral, and rational while remaining true to his original nature]
\Q[He learns a trade, among other things. He studies science, not by receiving instruction in its facts but by making the instruments necessary to solve scientific problems of a practical sort.]

Book 1:
I do not consider these laughable establishments called Colleges as a public institution.

There are in several schools, and especially in the <University of Paris>, Professors whom I like, whom I esteem very much, and whom I believe very capable of instructing young people well, if they were not forced to follow established usage. I urge one of them to publish the reform project he designed. We will perhaps finally be tempted to cure the illness by seeing that it is not without a remedy.
Je n’envisage pas comme une institution publique ces risibles établissements qu’on appelle Colleges

Il y a dans plusieurs écoles, & surtout dans l’<Université de Paris>, des Professeurs que j’aime, que j’estime beaucoup, & que je crois très capables de bien instruire la jeunesse, s’ils n’étoient forcés de suivre l’usage établi. J’exhorte l’un d’entre eux à publier le projet de réforme qu’il a conçu. L’on sera peut-être enfin tenté de guérir le mal en voyant qu’il n’est pas sans remède.