Source: /cirosantilli/feathers-chat-react

= feathers-chat-react

Last updated 2018 as of 2021, but still just worked.

Also uses <webpack> which is fantastic.

Gotta run[] first:[], then it worked:
git clone
cd feathers-chat
git checkout fd729a47c57f9e6170cc1fa23cee0c84a004feb5
npm install
npm start
and on the other terminal:
git clone
cd feathers-chat-react
git checkout 36d56cbe80bbd5596f6a108b1de9db343b33dac3
npm install
npm start
then visit http://localhost:3000/ and you can create an account and login, tested on Ubuntu 20.10. Data is stored on persistently.

TODO how to merge those two repos into a single repo.

If you <disable JavaScript on Chromium>, it stops working completely. There is a section on how to solve that at:[] but it does not cover React specifically. <Codaisseur feathersjs-react-redux-ssr> might be good to look into.