Source: /cirosantilli/ffmpeg-filter-graph

= FFmpeg filter graph

Filter graphs are a thing of great beauty. What an amazingly obscure <domain-specific language>, but which can produce striking results with very little!!!

A quick example from\#77730492 illustrates some of the fundamentals:

ffplay -autoexit -nodisp -f lavfi -i '
[a][b]amerge, atrim=end=2
which creates a graph:
[sine=frequency=500]--->[a]-->|        |
                              | amerge |-->[atrim]-->[output]
[sine=frequency=1000]-->[b]-->|        |
and plays 500 Hz on the left channel and 1000 Hz on the right channel for 2 seconds.

So we see the following syntax patterns:
* `sine`, `amerge` and `atrim` are filters
* `sine=frequency=500`: the first `=` says "araguments follow"
  * `frequency=500` sets the `frequency` argument of the `sine` filter
  * for multiple arguments the syntax is to separate arguments with colons e.g. `sine=frequency=500:duration=2`
* `;`: separates statements
* `[a]`, `[b]`: sets the name of an edge
* `,`: creates unnamed edge between filters that have one input and one output

A list of all filters can be obtained ith:
ffmpeg -filters
and parameters for a single filter can be obtained with:
ffmpeg --help filter=sine
Related question:

TODO dump graph to <ASCII art>?\#Visualizingfilters mentions a `-dumpgraph` option, but haven't managed to use it yet.

* official documentation
* some handy tips from the FFMpeg Wiki