Source: /cirosantilli/genius-richard-feynman-and-modern-physics-by-james-gleick-1994

= Genius: Richard Feynman and Modern Physics by James Gleick (1994)

This is a good book.

It has some overlap with <Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman>, which it likely takes as primary sources of some stories.

However, while Surely goes into a lot of detail of each event, this book paints a more cohesive and global picture of things.

In terms of hard physics/mathematics, this book takes the approach of spending a few paragraphs in some chapters describing in high level terms some of the key ideas, which is a good compromise. It does sometime fall into the sin of <to talk about something without giving the real name to not scare off the audience>, but it does give a lot of names, notably it talks a lot about <Lagrangian mechanics>. And it goes into more details than Surely in any case.