Source: /cirosantilli/git-tips/git-log-graph

= `git log --graph`

For the strong.

git log --abbrev-commit --decorate --graph --pretty=oneline master HEAD

* b4ec057 (master) 5
* 0b37c1b 4
| * fbfbfe8 (HEAD -> my-feature) 7
| * 7b0f59d 6
* 661cfab 3
* 6d748a9 2
* c5f8a2c 1

If we also add the `--simplify-by-decoration`, which you very often want want on a real repository with many commits:
* b4ec057 (master) 5
| * fbfbfe8 (HEAD -> my-feature) 7
* c5f8a2c 1
As we can see, this removes any commit that is neither:
* under a branch or tag
* at the intersection of too branches or tags