Source: /cirosantilli/gurdwara

= Gurdwara

Theses places give out free food all the time.

The first time <Ciro Santilli> went to one was when an <Indian> friend of his took him to the one in the North of <Paris> when they were <Ciro Santilli's biography>[living there in the first half of the 2010's], the Gurdwara Singh Sabha France.

Much like <Islam>'s <Ramadan>, <Ciro Santilli> appreciates this a lot due to due to <Ciro Santilli's self perceived compassionate personality> and <Ciro Santilli's cheapness>.

Instead of just talking, those people really go out, and put food on the plate for anyone who needs it (or even for those that don't really need it! Although who would be so souless to eat for free and not donate a few bucks if they can afford to???). There's a beauty to that.

Writing this also remembered Ciro of non-religious groups that would give out free food to the poor at