Source: /cirosantilli/how-to-reference-a-book-in-wikipedia-markup

= How to reference a book in Wikipedia markup?

Their reference markup is incredibly overengineered, convoluted, and underdocumented, it is unbelivable!

Use the reference:
This is a fact.{{sfn|Schweber|1994|p=487}}

Define the reference:
*{{Cite book|author-link=Silvan S. Schweber |title=QED and the Men Who Made It: Dyson, Feynman, Schwinger, and Tomonaga|last=Schweber|first=Silvan S.|location=Princeton|publisher=University Press|year=1994 |isbn=978-0-691-03327-3 |url= |url-access=registration}}

`sfn` is magic and matches the the author last name and date from the `Cite`, it is documented at:

Unforutunately, if there are multiple duplicate `Cite`s inline in the article, it will complain that there are multiple definitions, and you have to first factor out the article by replacing all those existing `Cite` with `sfn`, and keeping just one `Cite` at the bottom. What a pain...

You can also link to a specific page of the book, e.g. if it is a book is on <Internet Archive Open Library> with:
{{sfn|Murray|1997|p=[ 86]}}

For multiple pages should use `pp=` instead of `p=`. Does not seem to make much difference on the rendered output besides showing `p.` vs `pp.`, but so be it:
{{sfn|Murray|1997|pp=[ 86-87]}}