Source: /cirosantilli/is-fog-computing-more-efficient-than-cloud-computing

= Is fog computing more efficient than cloud computing?

Advantages of fog: there is only one, reusing hardware that would be otherwise idle.

* in cloud, you can put your datacenter on the location with the cheapest possible power. On fog you can't.
* on fog there is some waste due to network communication.
* you will likely optimize code less well because you might be targeting a wide array of different types of hardware, so more power (and time) wastage. Furthermore, some of the hardware used will not not be optimal for the task, e.g. <CPU> instead of <GPU>.

All of this makes <Ciro Santilli> doubtful if it wouldn't be more efficient for volunteers simply to donate money rather than inefficient power usage.

*[]: useless article, does not compare to centralize, asks if folding the proteins is worth the power usage...