Source: cirosantilli/knowledge-olympiad

= Knowledge olympiad
{tag=Extracurricular activity}

= Knowledge olympiads

E.g. <#International Mathematical Olympiad>, <#International Physics Olympiad>, <competitive programming>, etc.

Events that trick young kids into thinking that they are making progress, but only serve to distract them from what really matters, which is to dominate a <state of the art> as fast as possible, contact researches in the area, and publish truly <novel results>.

Financially backed by high schools trying to make ads showing how they will turn your kids into geniuses (but also passionate teachers who fell into this hellish system), or companies who hire machines rather than entrepreneurs.

The most triggering thing possible is when programming competitions don't release their benchmarks as <open source software> afterwards: at least like that they might help someone to solve their real world problems. Maybe.

Some[irrelevant people] highlight[that knowledge Olympiads can have good effects], because they are "an opportunity to meet university teachers and their research organizations". Ciro's argument is just that there are much more efficient ways to achieve those goals.

As an alternative way to get into university, this is not 100% horrible however, e.g. the <University of São Paulo> accepted students from olympiads in 2019 and then again 2023:

Resources to study for <knowledge olympiads>:
* contains collaboratively created solutions to the Savchenko Problems in Physics. It appears to be a frontend for:[]. Closed license, kind of sad.