= Lean
{disambiguate=proof assistant}
{tag=Microsoft product}
{tag=Open source software}
= Lean
<Source code>:
* https://github.com/leanprover/lean4 why a separate repo per version... but it is what it is.
* https://github.com/leanprover/lean
They are huge fans of <Unicode> characters! Check this out from a <formal proof of the prime number theorem>: https://github.com/AlexKontorovich/PrimeNumberTheoremAnd/blob/fbdbb5310d036d33b9797b35f3b04b08f2447a6e/PrimeNumberTheoremAnd/ZetaBounds.lean
Their dependency graph thingy is just beautiful however: https://alexkontorovich.github.io/PrimeNumberTheoremAnd/web/dep_graph_document.html
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