= Los Alamos From Below by Richard Feynman (1975)
Amazing talk by <Richard Feynman> that describes his experiences at <Los Alamos National Laboratory> while developing the first <nuclear weapons>.
Transcript: http://calteches.library.caltech.edu/34/3/FeynmanLosAlamos.htm Also included full text into <Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman>.
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uY-u1qyRM5w&t=2881s describes the computing aspects. Particularly interesting is the quote about how they used the typist secretary pool to <emulate> the <IBM> machines and debug their programs before the machines had arrived. This is exactly analogous to what is done in 2020 in the <semiconductor> industry, where slower models are used to estimate how future algorithms will run in future hardware.
{title=<Los Alamos National Laboratory>[Los Alamos] From Below by <Richard Feynman> (1975)}
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