Source: /cirosantilli/madelung-energy-ordering-rule

= Madelung energy ordering rule

= n + l energy ordering rule

Looking at the energy level of the <Schrödinger equation solution for the hydrogen atom>, you would guess that for multi-electron atoms that only the <principal quantum number> would matter, <azimuthal quantum number> getting filled randomly.

However, orbitals energies for large atoms don't increase in energy like those of hydrogen due to <electron>-electron interactions.

In particular, the following would not be naively expected:
* 2s fills up before 2p. From the hydrogen solution, you might guess that they would randomly go into either one as they'd have the same energy
* $4s^1$ in <potassium> fills up before 3d, even though it has a higher <principal quantum number>!

This rule is only an approximation, there exist <exceptions to the Madelung energy ordering rule>.
