Source: /cirosantilli/makecode-miro-bit

= MakeCode Miro Bit

Microbit simulator using some <Microsoft> framework.

TODO the Python code from there does not seem to run on the microbit via `uflash`, because it is not <MicroPython>. explains. asks how to compile locally and suggests it is possible. Seems to require <Yotta (Build system)>, so presumably compiles?

Presumably this is because Microsoft ported their MakeCode thing to the MicroBit, and the Micro Bit foundation accepted them.

E.g. there toggling a LED:
led.toggle(0, 0)
but the code that works locally is a completely differently named API `set_pixel`:
microbit.display.set_pixel(0, 0, )
Microsoft going all in on adopt extend extinguish from an early age!