Source: /cirosantilli/mamonas-assassinas

= Mamonas Assassinas

This incredibly foul mouthed band was incredibly funny.

<Ciro Santilli> was a bit young to understand the songs at the time, but the older boys were singing them, and he sang along. So maybe there is a nostalgia factor in play.

But it can't be just that. They are just too funny and brutal, even when Ciro re-listens to it as of 2020.

Many <Brazilian> <religious> cranks in were really happy when their plane crashed and killed all of them in 1996.

Official <YouTube> channel:

Best songs:
*[Pelados Em Santos (1995)]. Not too amazing, they only try to be funny by making fun of the North-Eastern accent of Brazil, which is considered somewhat funny in <São Paulo (state)>, and they fail at being funny.

  But it talks about <Santos, São Paulo, Brazil>, Ciro's idolized city, so let's hear it. They didn't live in Santos apparently, but being from <São Paulo City>, they would have been familiar with that popular local beach location.