Source: cirosantilli/marc-verdiell

= Marc Verdiell
{tag=École Polytechnique alumnus of 1983}
{tag=Intel fellow}

= Jean-Marc Verdiell

<Marc Verdiell> is a <French> <electrical engineer> born in 1963 or 1964{ref} and best known for being the creator and host of the <CuriousMarc> YouTube channel where he does <mind blowing> repairs and <reverse engineering> of vintage <computers> and other <electronic> equipment.

Marc made \$58.4m from the sale of <LightLogic>, an <optoelectronics> company he founded, to <Intel> in April 2001. This was just after the <dot-com crash>, but <Intel> apparently still correctly believed that the networking and the <Internet> would continue to grow and was investing in the area. His associate <#Frank Shum> sued claiming he should be credited for some of the inventions sold but lost and Marc got it all.{ref}{ref}{ref}. Marc was then almost immediately appointed an <Intel fellow> at the extremelly early age of 37, and then stayed for a few years at <Intel> until 2006 according to his LinkedIn.{ref}{ref}

Marc's <LinkedIn> profile:

{title=<Marc Verdiell> at the <Computer History Museum>}
{description=Location inferred from Marc's videos, but likely, he often frequents the place, and it looks a bit like that.}

Marc's full name is actualy <Jean-Marc Verdiell>, but <Ciro Santilli> remembers there was one <YouTube> video where he mentions he gave up on "Jean" partly because <anglophones> would murder its pronounciation all the time. also suggests he may have a seldom used middle name "André", though that would be unusual in <French> custom

Marc's <PhD thesis> is listed at: and it is entitled:
> Mise en phase de reseaux de lasers a semi-conducteur
which is translated into English as:
> Phase locking of <semiconductor laser> arrays
but the full text is not available online.

{title=Profile of <Marc Verdiell> by Gizmodo (2018)}
{description= gives his house's location <Atherton, California>, part of <Silicon Valley>. shows his amazing garden a bit more. lists some famous people who live there. It's like a micro heaven.

And a person who makes <open educational content> like Marc, truly deserves it. and many other sources list the exact address as:
> 48 Linden Ave, Atherton, CA 94027
On <Google Maps>: mentions that the property was bought on 2013-11-07 for \$8,650,000 and lists other properties they've bought and sold and possibly inhabited:
* 2002-03-21: sold 4159 El Camino Way, Palo Alto, CA Unit B
* 2001-06-18: bought 763 Florales Dr, Palo Alto, CA give a tour of the house given by the real state agent Ken DeLeon. The dude has a very suspicious <Wikipedia> page: He is mentioend e.g. at as selling a lot to the <Chinese>.

A quick look on <Google Maps> show that that area is full of some incredible mansions. They managed to keep the entire place green and every house has a pool. Wikipedia comments[]:
> Atherton is known for its wealth; in 1990 and 2019, Atherton was ranked as having the highest per capita income among U.S. towns with a population between 2,500 and 9,999, and it is regularly ranked as the most expensive ZIP Code in the United States \[(94027)\]. The town has very restricting zoning, only permitting one single-family home per acre and no sidewalks. The inhabitants have strongly opposed proposals to permit more housing construction
and <Forbes> confirms it for 2022:[], by far on top.

Starting in 2016, Marc appears to be have had a small court battle with some building contractors led by the Yip family, Cynthia Yip and Wai Yip, as Javelin Construction Inc. for selling them "a brand-new but defective home for \$9m. The Verdiells then spent \$5.3m further renewing it."{ref}. After endless back-and-forth, the Verdiell's won \$1.2m in 2024.{ref}

{title=Soyuz Clock Part 4: How accurate is it? by <CuriousMarc> (2020)}
The timestamp mentions that his wife is called "<Lori Verdiell>[Lori]", and that she escaped the <Soviet Union>, and two of her brothers went to jail in the escape process.

The name is kind of hard to hear, but Google resolves it for us e.g. she and Marc were donnors to the <Computer History Museum>