Source: /cirosantilli/messaging-software-that-force-you-to-have-a-mobile-phone

= Messaging software that force you to have a mobile phone

Chat programs that don't have a proper web-only operation and force you to have a mobile phone, e.g. <WhatsApp>{child}.

Heck, even <Signal (software)>{child}, which is supposed to be super secure and good for your privacy, forces you to disclose your freaking cell phone to all contacts!

What is my phone breaks? What if I don't want to have a <fucking> phone? What if I move countries and have to change the <fucking> number? Also evil but less because done by all: chat programs that can't send you an email[if you don't see the message in X minutes].

<Europe>[European Union], time to force those evil <companies> to use support open standards like <XMPP>?

The solution to "how to prevent spam" is simple: your ID is a public key that you own the private key for. If you start getting spammed, generate a new public key, and send it to all contacts, and dump the previous ID.