Source: /cirosantilli/microsoft

= Microsoft

They are <evil> because they produce <closed source offline software used by millions>: <Microsoft Windows>.

And also their monopolistic practices: <United States v. Microsoft Corp>.

So, as put in <video Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs by Epic Rap Battles of History (2012)> by fake <Steve Jobs> to fake <Bill Gates>:
\Q[Why'd you name your company after your <dick>?]

However, like all <big tech> companies with infinite money, they do end up doing some cool things in their research department, <Microsoft Research>, notably for <Ciro Santilli> being:
* <lean (proof assistant)>
* their <quantum computing> work. C<# is> of course a bad idea, we don't need <yet another> <domain-specific language>, <Python> library based solutions like <Qiskit> are obviously the way to go