Source: /cirosantilli/nuclear-magnetic-resonance

= Nuclear magnetic resonance


<Ciro Santilli> once visited the chemistry department of an university, and the chemists were obsessed with <NMR>. They had small benchtop NMR machines. They had larger machines. They had a room full of huge machines. They had them in corridors and on desk tops. Chemists really love that stuff. More precisely, these are used for <NMR spectroscopy>.

Basically measures the concentration of certain isotopes in a region of space.

{title=Introduction to NMR by Allery Chemistry}
* only works with an odd number of <nucleons>
* apply strong <magnetic field>, this separates the energy of up and down spins. Most spins align with field.
* send <radio waves> into sample to make nucleons go to upper energy level. We can see that the energy difference is small since we are talking about radio waves, low frequency.
* when nucleon goes back down, it re-emits radio waves, and we detect that. TODO: how do we not get that confused with the input wave, which is presumably at the same frequency? It appears to send pulses, and then wait for the response.

{title=How to Prepare and Run a NMR Sample by University of Bath (2017)}
{description=This is a more direct howto, cool to see. Uses a <Bruker Corporation> 300. They have a robotic arm add-on. Shows spectrum on computer screen at the end. Shame no molecule identification after that!}

{title=Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance by Royal Society Of Chemistry (2008)}
Says clearly that NMR is the most important way to identify <organic compounds>.
* lists some of the most common targets, including <hydrogen> and <carbon-13>
* <ethanol> example
* they use solvents where all <protium> is replaced by <deuterium> to not affect results. Genius.
* usually they do 16 <radio wave> pulses

{title=Introductory <NMR> & <MRI>: Video 01 by Magritek (2009)}
{description=<Precession> and <Resonance>. Precession has a natural frequency for any angle of the wheel.}

{title=Introductory <NMR> & <MRI>: Video 02 by Magritek (2009)}
{description=The influence of <temperature> on spin statistics. At 300K, the number of up and down spins are very similar. As you reduce temperature, we get more and more on lower energy state.}

{title=Introductory <NMR> & <MRI>: Video 03 by Magritek (2009)}
{description=The influence of <temperature> on spin statistics. At 300K, the number of up and down spins are very similar. As you reduce temperature, we get more and more on lower energy state.}