Source: /cirosantilli/nuclear-magnetic-resonance-spectroscopy

= Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

= NMR spectroscopy

Used to identify <organic compounds>.

Seems to be based on the effects that electrons around the nuclei (shielding electrons) have on the outcome of <NMR>.

So it is a bit unklike <MRI> where you are interested in the position of certain nuclei in space (of course, these being atoms, you can't see their positions in space).

{title=What's Nuclear Magnetic Resonance by <Bruker Corporation> (2020)}
{description=Good 3D animatinos showing the structure of the NMR machine. We understand that it is very bulky largely due to the <cryogenic> system. It then talks a bit about <organic compound identification> by talking about <ethanol>, i.e. this is <NMR spectroscopy>, but it is a bit too much to follow closely. Basically the electron configuration alters the nuclear response somehow, and allows identifying functional groups.}