= Online forums that lock threads after some time
= Online forums that lock threads after some time are evil
= Lockurism
Like <Reddit> (https://www.reddit.com/r/blog/comments/pze6d2/commenting_on_archived_posts_images_in_chat_and/[option to allow it per community added in late 2021]) and https://support.google.com/[].
And of course, <4chan> just takes that to a whole new level, usually closing on the same day, and then getting deleted within a week. Why would anyone contribute non-<illegal> content to that king of system?!
Ridiculous, so when new information comes out, we just duplicate all the old comments on a new thread again?
Remember, <Ciro Santilli> is the <Ciro Santilli's Stack Overflow contributions>[Necromancer God].
<Dan Dascalescu> agrees for <Reddit> specifically: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheoryOfReddit/comments/9oujwf/why_archiving_old_threads_is_a_bigger_problem/
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