Source: /cirosantilli/ourbigbook-com/pagerank-like-ranking

= PageRank-like ranking

It would be really cool to have a <PageRank>-link algorithm that answers the key questions:
* what is the best content for subject X.

  For example, if you are reading `cirosantilli/riemann-integral` and it is crap, you would be able to click the button
  \Q[Versions by other authors]
  which leads you to the URL:[]. This URL then contains a list of all pages people have written about the subject `mathematics`, sorted by some algorithm, containing for example:

  This URL would also contain a list of issues/comments that are related to the subject.
* who knows the most about subject X. This can be found by visiting:[] "Top Mathematics users", which would contain the list of users sorted by the algorithm:
However, Ciro has decided to leave this for phase two <action plan>, because it is impossible to tune such an algorithm if you have no users or test data.

Perhaps it is also worth looking into <ExpertRank>, they appear to do some kind of "expert in this area", but with <clustering> (unlike us, where the clustering would be more explicit).

Other dump of things worth looking into: